Medical Malpractice Blog

Little Rock Medical Malpractice Lawyer Serving All of Arkansas

July 25, 2021
Deciding to File Suit             It is an unfortunate fact of life that many of the people who do the most damage in this world have no means of paying for the damage that they do.  Any trial lawyer can tell you dozens of stories about drunk drivers who kill whole families—but have little or no... Read More
April 27, 2021
"Consent Forms" and Patient's Rights Those of you who have been to a hospital lately have most likely signed a “consent” form, although you probably did not read it closely and it was presented to you with a bunch of other papers to sign by some clerk or possibly a nurse who was in a hurry. This is... Read More
April 05, 2021
What is "Defensive Medicine"?  Does it Exist? As a lawyer who has been on both sides of medical malpractice suits for over thirty years, it is interesting to hear people talk about the cost of  “defensive medicine”.  You’ve heard about this:  it is the argument that says that doctors order “many... Read More
March 08, 2021
The Big Lie About "Capping" Damages That Injured People Can Recover One of the big lies that insurance companies and business lobbying groups tell is that jury verdicts affect costs to consumers.  This has been disproven over and over again, but when these insurance companies and lobbyists want... Read More
November 13, 2020
Every medical malpractice case requires hundreds of hours of attorney time and tens of thousands of dollars of investment in expenses such as filing fees, court reporters, expert and consulting fees, and medical exhibits.  Very few people could afford to pursue such a case if they had to pay their... Read More
October 22, 2020
As you can imagine, lawyers like me who routinely handle medical malpractice cases can be pretty nervous when it comes time to need medical care ourselves. This point was driven home to me in last six months when I needed separate surgeries on my knee and my shoulder during the pandemic. Like... Read More
February 15, 2020
Hysterectomy--the surgical removal of a woman's uterus- is one of the most common surgeries in the world.  Approximately 600,000 hysterectomies are performed annually in the United States, and approximately 20 million American women have had a hysterectomy. By the age of 60, more than one-third of... Read More
June 10, 2019
In analyzing whether you have a good medical malpractice case, we’ll look at three issues: 1. Did the Doctor Make an Inexcusable Mistake? It is not enough in a medical malpractice case to prove that a doctor made a mistake. Some mistakes are excusable and are not medical malpractice. For example,... Read More
December 27, 2018
Wernicke’s Encephalopathy Misdiagnosis Causes Severe Injuries and Death More than 100,000 weight-loss procedures are performed annually in the United States alone, and numbers are rising.  Although these “bariatric” surgeries are lucrative for the doctors who perform weight loss surgery and are... Read More
October 08, 2018
One of the most consistent goals of so-called “tort reform” is to put an upper limit on the amount that a defendant has to pay for the damage he causes in injury suits.  For example, in Texas, where there are such limits, a doctor can kill a child or a housewife or a grandfather through malpractice... Read More