Medical Malpractice Blog

Little Rock Medical Malpractice Lawyer Serving All of Arkansas

August 29, 2013
Emergency room errors are one of the leading types of medical malpractice in the United States. Emergency room personnel are specially trained to deal with the often life-threatening illnesses and injuries they are faced with every day, and even one misstep can result in serious injury or death to... Read More
August 29, 2013
Unlike a birth defect which is often genetic, birth injuries are frequently sustained through some form of medical negligence. This can include failure to properly monitor a baby during delivery, improper medication, oxygen deprivation, forceful delivery, or even a failure to diagnose a potential... Read More
August 29, 2013
An idea that frequently comes to mind when considering surgical errors involving surgical instruments, particularly pertaining to surgery malpractice, involves instruments being left in a patient. While this is certainly one example of a surgical error involving surgical instruments, it is far from... Read More
August 29, 2013
Medical malpractice cases can take as little as a few months or as long as several years to reach settlement. The length of time your medical malpractice case takes is dependent on myriad factors unique to your claim including the type of malpractice being alleged and the evidence presented by your... Read More
August 29, 2013
When you suffer an injury due to medical malpractice, knowing how you will get the compensation you need to recover can be incredibly confusing. This is why you need an experienced Arkansas medical malpractice lawyer on your side as soon as possible. Your malpractice lawyer from our firm will work... Read More
August 29, 2013
Medical malpractice cases often involve multiple parties, particularly when they involve instances of hospital errors. When dealing with healthcare, there is the potential for myriad errors, some of which are fatal, and when you or a loved one is the victim of hospital errors, you need an... Read More
August 29, 2013
There is any number of types of medical malpractice that can lead to serious injury. However, some forms of negligence are more likely to result in lawsuits in which damages for things such as medical expenses, lost wages, physical pain, and emotional duress are sought. Your Arkansas medical... Read More
August 29, 2013
When you are choosing a Little Rock medical malpractice attorney, it is important that you keep a few things in mind. First and foremost, medical malpractice claims are exceedingly complicated and you should look for an attorney skilled in these cases. In order to pursue the true compensation you... Read More
August 19, 2013
If you have suffered an injury while under the care of a medical professional, you may wonder, “Do I have a medical malpractice case?” Because not every undesirable outcome is an instance of negligence, this is a legitimate question and one that can only be answered by an experienced Arkansas... Read More
May 25, 2013
What “Tort Reform” Groups Say: Everyone who has read the paper or paid any attention to the news has heard the argument made by insurance industry groups and their lobbyists to the effect that there are billions of dollars being spent on “unnecessary tests” which are ordered by doctors simply to... Read More